Includes 750 Maje Foils and Two 50 Minute DVDs
Get Our Maje Foils Coloring Kit for Only $89 Dollars, A $180 Dollar Value. This coloring kit includes 750 Ultra-Thin Maje Foils (375 Silver Foils, 150 Blue Foils, 150 Pink Foils and 75 Silver Wide-Body Foils) and two 50 Minute DVDs, 'The Art of Foiling Volume 1 - Fundamentals and The Art of Foiling Volume 2 - Corrective Work'.
Easily track multiple solutions and foiling patterns on a single head of hair. For example, when doing low-lights and highlights at the same time, simply color coordinate each bowl with a different color Maje Foil. At a glance you'll know exactly where each solution is placed and have complete control over the different solutions processing.
Almost two hours of education loaded with many real- world foiling tips that work and 6 hair highlighting techniques are packed into this DVD Series.